
Concrete Services

Concrete Services

Dural Flooring offers service excellence and we enjoy a continued working relationship with industry leading general contractors, condo builders, property managers and home owners.The following is a list of services that Dural Flooring provides;

Concrete Floor Leveling

Dural can provide a flat floor using laser levels to determine the variance. Using self leveling products or our own proprietary material. Dural can prepare the floor to receive any finished floor covering, such as tile, carpet, engineered flooring or hardwood.

Concrete Restoration

Dural uses heavy duty industrial planetary diamond grinders with a dust recovery system to restore rain damaged or washed out floors.

Concrete Balcony Repair

Dural can re-slope balcony surfaces to eliminate water pooling and eliminate precast balcony pockets. Precast staircases and landing can be ground and patched to look like new.

Parking Garage, Ramp and Curb Repair

Dural can repair parking garages, moving rooms and garbage rooms and prepare floor surfaces prior to traffic toppings or weather proof membranes. Dural can cut, patch and reconstruct any concrete part of the garage and floor drain recessing can also be completed.

Flooring Removal

Dural can remove glue, tile mastic and epoxies to prepare a floor for new floor coverings such as carpeting, hardwood and tile. Using gas, propane or electrical planetary diamond tipped floor grinders Dural can return the floor to “back to base build”

Concrete Finishing

Dural can steel trowel finish most concrete slabs and polish or stain the concrete to suit the project. Dural’s industrial epoxy finishes will provide your floor with a solid long lasting finish for years to come.